Strona: The Games / ILALEAN

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The Games

Games on lean in office and knowledge work

red. Dorota Stadnicka

GAME 1 (Centoform)

LG1: 5S Implementation in office and knowledge work

1. Work simulation before 5S implementation: PRESENTATION-PDF  PPT

2. Presentation on how to apply 5S: PRESENTATION

3. Work simulation after 5S implementation: PRESENTATION-PDF  PPT

4. 5th S implementation: BLACKBOARD

5. Audit: CHECK LIST

6. Result table: TABLE

LG2: GAME 2A (University of Oulu)

Knowledge Work Interruptions

1. Presentation on how to play the game: PRESENTATION

LG2: GAME 2B (Rzeszow University of Technology)

Knowledge and Office Work Interruptions

1. Presentation on how to play the game: PRESENTATION

2. Forms FORMS

LG3: GAME 3 (Rzeszow University of Technology and Restol)

Lean tools implementation in knowledge work on the example of analysis of a planning processes

1. Presentation on how to play the game: PRESENTATION, TRANSCRIPTION

2. Clients orders and formats: ORDERS_FORMATS

3. Forms to collect data: FORMS

LG4: GAME 4 (University of Minho and Latino group)

Process Mapping in Office and Knowledge Work

1. Presentation on how to play the game: PRESENTATION

2. Infocards describing information possessed by departments representatives: INFOCARDS

3. Current state map: MAP

LG5: GAME 5 (University of Stavanger and Salte AS)

The Use of Game-Based Learning to Teach Kanban Concept in Engineering Projects

1. Presentation on how to play the game and game instruction: PRESENTATION, INSTRUCTION

2. Boards used in the game: BOARD1, BOARD2

3. Steps of playing the game: WEEKLY_STEPS

4. Cards presenting events which will happen in the process: EVENT_CARDS

5. Unit cards: CARDS

6. Process monitoring: CONTROL_CHART